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What is giving children a choice?
Ms. Monroe brings out markers and large poster paper sheets on one table, and sets out scissors, tape, and construction paper on another.
What is allowing reasonable freedom of movement?
Ron can’t sit still on the carpet during reading time, so Professor Dumbledore allows him to sit backwards in a chair away from Hermione and Harry.
What is providing time for child initiated activities and learning?
For creativity period, Mr. Stark sets up 4 tables. One table with has shaving cream, another has kinetic sand and small shovels and cups, the third table has connecting building blocks, and the final table has nothing at all.
What is actively seeking out children’s ideas and encouraging participation?
Instead of explaining how to take care of a plant, Ms. Winfrey asks the kids what they think are certain steps they need to take to help a plant grow.
What is providing children with real responsibilities in the classroom?
Throughout the month, kids in Lord Farquad’s classroom earn golden coins for good deeds, participation, and good behavior. At the end of the month, kids get to use these coins to get class duties such as line leader, snack server, and fish feeder.
What is the authoritative parenting style?
#tbt This parenting style is often regarded as the most beneficial to child development, as it encourages autonomy while still giving good love and support
What is being flexible and going with the flow of ideas?
Before moving into a math activity after recess, Mr. Krabs sees Patrick and Sandy collecting rocks and counting them. He then asks all the kids to get collect more similar rocks and uses them to practice adding and subtracting.
What is encouraging children to mentor others?
Jon Snow asks Ms. Targaryen for help with his paper airplane. Instead of showing him how it is down, Ms. Targaryen calls over Arya, who has made 3 already, to help him.
Who is Erik Erikson?
#tbt This psychologist was heavily influenced by Sigmund Freud, when he came up with his developmental stages of children, including the “initiative vs. guilt stage”.
I cant even.
Sorry try again.
why u always lyinnnn?
NOTHING move along
What is principle #5? (reciprocity)
NO NOTES! This principle #, from the Constructivist Classroom article, encourages the use of objects across different areas to increase self-direction.
Deez nuts
What are objectivity, directness, specificity, completeness, and mood?
NO NOTES! These are the 5 main characteristics of a good observation