Digital Collections | Reader's Advisory | ILLs | Misc. | |
What is a Kindle Paperwhite and Nook Glow Light?
This device is not compatible with Cloud Library or Hoopla.
What is Ancestry Library Edition?
Home access to this particular resource allows patrons to look up their lineage, and will only be available within the library after December 31, 2021.
What is Goodreads and
Two great non-library resources that assist staff who are trying to do reader's advisory.
What are foreign countries?
ILLs cannot be requested from these locations.
What are newspapers, magazines, and reference materials?
These items cannot be checked out from the library.
What is Hoopla?
This digital collection contains over 1.3 millions titles including music and comics!
What is Morningstar?
This investment research resource requires only your library card number.
What is Novelist?
Library resource of fiction and non-fiction titles to guide readers in finding their next title.
What are USCB and TCL?
Students from these institutions must request ILL materials from their campus libraries.
What are Consumer Reports?
These can be found online or at the branches, and help patrons find the most reliable products.
What is cloudLibrary?
For this eBook vendor, only 1 person can use a title at a time.
What is Auto Repair Source?
Information about domestic and imported vehicles, parts and labor estimates, service bulletins, and recalls.
What is Next Read Newsletters?
Found on the library website, patrons can sign up for this service to receive emails about new books in their favorite genres.
What is four?
The limit of ILLs a patron may have out at one time.
What are new books from other counties?
These items are not holdable for six months.
What is Flipster?
Access popular magazines online.
What is Learning Express Library?
Improve your academic skills, prepare for high-stakes tests, or become career ready.
What is Google?
The quickest, easiest way to check the accurate title or authors name of a book that a patron is requesting.
What is one year?
In order for an item to fulfill an ILL request, it must have been in a libraries collection for this long.
What is 1983?
The Bluffton Community opens at 48 Boundary Street.
What is the patron's library account?
This must be in good standing (under the maximum fine threshold, not expired, etc) for patrons to use the digital collections.
What is SC Talking Book Services?
Library services to the blind, visually impaired, and physically handicapped of SC.
What is the NYT Best Sellers List?
This can be found printed out at the branch or on the library website, and features a list of bestsellers.
What is editing the due date to reflect the due date written on the sleeve?
Because ILLs are a special system, the staff must do this before checking it out to a patron.
What is patron's fixing the settings in their SC Lends account?
The only way to keep a record of previous items checked out.