Campus Call | Making the Call | The Wesleyan Fund | General Expectations |
Go to the left hand corner next to the number and check to see if there’s another number on file. If yes, call that number and leave another voicemail. (We don’t call the spouse) Once all numbers for the prospect are called, move on to the next person.
You call the prospect's home phone and leave a voicemail. What do you do next?
1. Location 2. Major 3. WAF Target 4. If they’re in a reunion year 5. Any previous giving
Name 5 things you should look at before calling/making the Ask
Tuition only covers the cost of 2/3 of going to Wesleyan. We need to fundraise to make up the difference to ensure that everyone has a great experience here.
Why do we fundraise at all?
1. Show up 5 minutes early 2. Get your folder 3. Turn on your computer 4. Log on to campus call 5. Get ready for the beginning meeting
What are you expected to do at the start of your shift?
On the “specified pledge” page, the location is in the bottom right. You say if the gift is matched by company or spouse and you put the ratio of the matching gift
How do you code a “matching gift?”
Look at WAF Target (which is how much The Wesleyan Fund research team has determined the alumni can give in any given year) versus last gift amount. The ask amount is based on how you feel the conversation is going and how different the numbers are. (ex: target is $1831, but they gave last year $100. Might want to bump it up to $200.) Graduate down. ($250, $100, $25) Usually people gave a little bit more if they are in their reunion year.
How do you know how much money to ask the alumni for?
Point of the Wesleyan Fund is for current use money. We keep the lights on, pay for financial aid. Everything we raise in the Wesleyan Fund is used in the following year (goes towards operating budget).
What does the Wesleyan Fund fundraise for?
1. Payroll 2. Log off Campus Call 3. Shut down your computer 4. Put folders away 5. Clean up any wrappers 6. Put crayons back in the box 7. Meet for bonuses and prizes
What are you expected to do at the end of your shift?
You can change the amount of designations and the percentage in the right side of the page. You can change the payment date right under the gift amount. (Have pictures of this)
Someone wants give a $100 gift to athletics and financial aid ($50 to each). However, ze doesn’t get hir’s paycheck until 3 days from now. How do you process the gift?
1. Be sure to do a graduated decline of asking. 2. Every gift counts 3. They can designate it anywhere-maybe circle back to something they said was important to them when they went to school here 4. Participation ask 5. Ask why they are refusing
After building a rapport with the prospect, they refuse to give a gift. What should you do then?
Alumni participation is viewed by US News and World report to determine college rank. It also shows how many alumni are still supportive of the University. It helps maintains the prestige of Wesleyan and the value of a Wesleyan degree.
Why is it important for The Wesleyan Fund to receive alumni participation gifts?
1. When you get a refusal 2. When you get a gift 3. When you get an unspecified pledge
When should you let a manager know about your call result?
1) Refusals-more detailed comment. Don’t just select a drop-down. 2) If someone said they already pledged, we need to know what they pledged for and how much! Because something must be missing in our system. 3) Random circumstance-explain more than you think you need to explain. Ex: if someone passed away, write the name of the person that passed away, don’t just use common pronouns because then we don’t know who it is. 4) Callback comments to help you remember any conversation topics or the situation 5) Comments for wrong numbers-write which number is invalid and if it is home or cell
When is it appropriate to write a comment?
1. Do you know what the Wesleyan Fund is? 2. “Can we count on you for a gift of…” 3. Graduated decline in ask amount 4. Work for a matching company? 5. Credit Card confirmations 6. Address confirmations 7. Thank you! “It’s so good to hear alumni continue to give back.”
You have a rapport with someone, the next step is to ask them for a gift. What is the process of asking them for the gift?
$10.25 million
What is the yearly dollar goal of The Wesleyan Fund?
You send an email to rblistserve to find a cover and let Jane, the manager on shift, and Jenna know who your cover will be. The cover also has to email Jane, the managers on shift and Jenna that they are the cover. You are allowed 1 uncovered absence. If you get to 2, then you are on probation and have to meet with Jenna. 3, and you are fired. You can make up an uncovered absence by covering another shift. We all need to know by noon that day if you are covering or if you aren’t going to be at a shift, because I have to assign calling assignments and organize folders.
How does the absence policy work?
1. Complete-"Reassigned number"
2. Complete-"Disconnect" 3. Incomplete-"not available" 4. Incomplete-"busy" 5. Incomplete-"callback"
How do you code the following calls? (Include if the code is in complete or incomplete):
1. You speak to someone that says you have the wrong number 2. You get a message which says “the number you have reached is no longer in service.” 3. You speak to someone that says they can’t talk right now. 4. You get a busy signal 5. You speak to someone that says “Mondays aren’t good for me, can you please call me back on Wednesday at 8:00pm?” |
1. Ask for prospect 2. Introduce yourself 3. Transition 4. The Ask 5. Update information 6. Thank you!
Describe the steps of a good call?
The Wesleyan Fund, The Career Center, Major Gift Team, Data Services, Research, Stewardship, Alumni and Parent Relations, Corporations and Grants. Barbara-Jan Wilson (Vice President of UR and reports to Michael Roth).
What departments are part of University Relations? Who oversees University Relations?
1. Be on your cell phone 2. Be on your personal computer 3. Do homework 4. Distract other callers
What are 4 things you shouldn’t do while on the phone?