Waste Wizards Sustainability Single Stream Recycling Once is not enough
Recycling one ton of paper
PET is Polyethylene terephthalate or Plastic
The US Department of Energy (DOE) recommends turning off the monitor and placing the computer on sleep mode if youare not going to use it for more than ____
A) 2 hours
6) 6 hours
C) 45 minutes
D) 20 minutes
D) 20 minutes
It is estimated that $2.8 billion in 2008 went to energy costs to power unused computers in the workplace alone. The amount of energy used for this is estimated to release over 20 million tons of CO2 emissions, the equivalent of the emissions fom approximately 4 million cars!
What is single stream recycling?
A more user friendly version of recycling that allows all recyclables to be recycled together instead of separating them out by material.
How many paper cups are thrown away each year?
25 billion paper cups are thrown away each year. That equals 9.4 million trees cut down, and 363 million pounds of waste.
In 2015 U.S. residents produced how many pounds of wate per person per day?
A) 10.1 lbs
B) 4.4 lbs
C) 22.9 lbs
B) 4.4 lbs

Fun fact: that equals approximately 230 million tons of "trash," less than 1/4 of which is recycled
A typical glass bottle would take ____ years or more to decompose.
It will take a typical glass bottle 4000 years or more to decompose, even longer if it's in a landfill!
When and where was single stream first implemented?
California in the 1990s.
What do they numbers on the bottoms of plastic bottles and containers mean?
Plastic bottles and containers have a coding system that distinguishes between the differenty types of plastics. They are numbered 1-7
How many trees are saved when one ton of paper is recycled?
A) 5
B) 50
C) 17
D) 100
C) 17 trees are saved when one ton of paper is recycled
How much energy does recycling just one aluminum can save?
A) enough to power a microwave for 30 minutes
B) enough to power the average american home for 4 days
C) enough to power a computer for 15 minutes
D) enough to power a TV for 3 hours
D) Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours, this is the equivalent of a half a gallon of gasoline
Can a yogurt container be recycled in single stream?
Remember all food containers must be rinsed out before being put into the bin.
What does recycled newspaper become?
Recyled newspaper is reprocessed into newspring and wrapping paper manufactured intomolded packaging, shredded and fire-proofng added for blown-in insulation or manufactured into dry wall surfacing.
What percentage of trash is made up of discarded paper?
A) 70%
B) 17%
C) 36%
D) 8%
Approximately 36% of trash is made up of discarded paper
What percentage of monetary purchasing goes to packaging materials?
A) $1 for every $10 spent
B) $1 for every $50 spent
C) $1 for every $100 spent
D) $1 for every $1,000 spent
A) one out of every $10 spent at stores is for packaging. Packaging accounts for 1/3 of our waste by weight or 1/2 of waste by volume
Can plastic bags be recyled via single stream?
No, but you can recycle plastic bags separately!
Plastic park benches are made by recycling which plastic?
Number 2 plastics, or milk jugs, but it also includes many water jugs, shampoo bottles, bleah bottles, detergent, and fabric softener jugs. 35% of no. 2 plastics are recycled back into bottles and the res is remanufactured into pipes, park benches, plastic lumber, other outdoor products and carpets.
How much of the food supply in the U.S. is wasted per month?
30-40% of the food suppl is wasted, equallying more than 20 lbs of food per person per month!
On average, how many aluminum soda cans are used in the United Staes each year?
We use over 80, 000,000,000 aluminum soda cans every year...there is no limit to the amount of times aluminum can be recycled!
True or False: Food waste can be put in the single stream bin
False, all food scraps should be thrown out in the trash!
True or False: Liposuctioned human fat can be recycled as fuel
True. In 2007 a man and wife from New Zealand set the record for circumnavigating the globe (60 days, 23 hours, and 49 minutes) in a boat fueled solely by human fat and vegetable bio-diesel fuel.

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