Misc The Brain
What is
Call the crisis line Tell someone Talk to someone
Something you must do if you are in danger of being abused or suicidal
What is Serotonin
A chemical in the brain that helps you feel less depressed
What is a psychiatrist
A medical doctor who treats a person with a mental illness with medications
What is C: The human brain weighs about 3 pounds, about the size of a Chihuahua. A doughnut only weighs a few ounces, and a 12-pack of soda weighs 9 pounds.
The human brain weighs about as much as a __________?
a) doughnut
b) 12-pack of soda
c) Chihuahua
What is Counselor Therapist Psychologist
A person who treats someone with a mental illness with therapy/talking
What is A: The brain is wired to remember feelings of pleasure, including those produced by drugs unnaturally. The brain then strives to repeat those feelings, which the drug user experiences as a craving for the drug.
300 When someone uses drugs repeatedly, their brain ___________.
a) becomes trained to crave the drug
b) becomes smaller than before
c) is not changed
What is a Med Box
A tool used to assist in taking medications as prescribed
What is A: The “reward” system is part of the limbic system, which gets activated when you do something you like. Dopamine is a brain chemical that is released, producing feelings of pleasure and letting you know that something important is happening.
When you do something you enjoy, like watch a good movie, your _______ system gets activated.
What is Dangerous or unsafe
Mixing a prescribed medication with alcohol/illegal drugs is..
What is A: Drug tolerance makes people need more and more of the same drug to get the same effect because, over time, drugs will cause the brain to produce less dopamine, the neurotransmitter that produces feelings of pleasure. Drug abusers may need more of the drug than before to reach the same level of dopamine to get the same “high.”
Drug abusers develop “tolerance” for drugs, meaning they need _____________________?
a) more drug to get the same effect
b) less drug to get the same effect
c) neither A or B


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