The Big Book | Acronyms | Definitions | Stepwork | Miscellaneous |
Who is Bill W
His story is told in the 1st chapter of the Big Book
What is post traumatic stress disorder
What is tolerance
Having to use in larger amounts and/or a longer amount of time to get the same effect
What is meditation
In step one, prayer and what helps improve our conscious contact with God?
What is detoxification
The medical process focused on treating the physical effects of withdrawal
What is acceptance
Page 417 covers with this topic
What is post acute withdrawal syndrome
What is codependency
Emotional or psychological reliance on another person
What is sanity
In step 2, this term is defined as "soundness of mind"
What is SMART recovery
A program of recovery with a scientific foundation rather than a spiritual one that teaches self-management and recovery training
What is Akron, Ohio
The city and state where AA was founded
What is medication assisted treatment
What is a relapse
A return to old behaviors after a period of recovery
What is step 5
This step is often done with a priest of clergyperson
What is naloxone (Narcan)
This medicine rapidly reverses an opioid overdose
What is Lois
This is the name of Bill's wife
What is hungry, angry, lonely, tired
What is remission
No longer meeting criteria for substance use disorders as defined in the DSM or ICD
What is living amends
In Step 9, when direct amends can not be made, indirect amends or ____ amends can be made
What is a "dry drunk"
Term for a person who is abstinent from drugs or alcohol but implements no other change in thinking or behavior
What is "How It Works"
This is the title of the chapter that lists the 12 steps
What is sex and love addicts anonymous
What is CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Type of talk therapy that involves changing thinking to elicit behavior change
What is sex conduct
The four sections of personal inventory in the 4th step include resentments, fears, harm done to others, and _
What is a peer support specialist
A person with "lived experience" who has been trained to support those who struggle with mental health and/or substance abuse disorders