Drug Classifications | Defense Mechanisms | The 12 steps | Mental Health | Miscellaneous |
What are CNS depressants?
Alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates
What is denial?
"I don't have a problem!"
What is step 3?
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over...
What is anxiety?
A disorder characterized by excessive worry or fear
What are coping skills?
Tools used to manage stressful situations, difficult emotions, or triggers
What are stimulants?
Cocaine, methamphetamine, Adderall
What is minimization?
"I only get high on weekends"
What is step 1?
We admitted we were powerless...
What is schizophrenia?
Symptoms of this disorder include episodes of delusions and/or hallucinations
What is passive?
This style of communication often involves ignoring one's own feelings and having difficulty saying no
What are hallucinogens?
LSD, ecstasy, psilocybin
What is blaming?
"It's my parents' fault I drink"
What is step 4?
Made a searching and fearless moral inventory...
What is bipolar d/o?
This mood disorder used to be referred to as "manic depressive"
What is mindfulness?
A term used to describe being fully aware and staying in the present moment
What are inhalants?
Whip-its, nitrous oxide, duster
What is rationalizing/justifying?
"I drink because work is stressful!"
What is step 9?
Made direct amends to such people...
What is ADHD
This condition is most commonly treated with amphetamines
What is PAWS?
This syndrome includes symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping and can last up to two years after a person stops using drugs/alcohol
What are narcotic analgesics? (I will also accept Opioids)
Heroin, opium, methadone
What is intellectualization?
"Studies show alcohol actually lowers blood sugar"
What is step 8?
Made a list of all persons we had harmed...
What is DBT (dialectical behavior therapy)?
This treatment is most effective in managing individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder
What are thinking errors?
Another term for cognitive distortions