Vocab | Black Codes | Reconstruction Era Questions | True Or False Questions | Plans For Reconstruction |
An international global movement of people who try to end abuses of human rights.
White nurses were not allowed to be alone in a room with African Americans.
What were the conditions in the South following the Civil War?
The conditions in the South was that it looked like a battlefield. There were many things that were burnt and many broken down houses.
Blacks were still considered as slaves after the war.
Lincoln’s 10% Plan
The terms of this plan is that the decrees of the state could be reintegrated into the union when 10 percent of the 1860 vote count from the state had taken an oath of allegiance to the united states.
Black Codes
They were restrictive laws designed to limit the freedom of African Americans.
Pool and Billard Rooms
Black men and white men were not allowed to play games together.
How many people were lost from the North and South respectively as a result of the Civil War?
750.000 people were lost after the Civil War in total.
According to the black codes, African Americans were not allowed to vote.
Wade-Davis Bill
Each states constitution was required to abolish slavery. 50% of whire people in every state must pledge allegiance to the union before reunification, this helped with reconstruction.
Charge the holder of a public office with misconduct.
African and white children would have separate schools.
How did the whites feel about the African Americans gaining more rights?
They were very upset and did not like the idea that Africans got same rights are them.
African Americans had to stay off the streets by sundown.
Johnson’s Plan
Terms included were, pardons would be granted to those taking a loyalty oath, no pardons would be available to high Confederate officials and a state had to abolish slavery before being readmitted.
Radical Republicans
They were committed to the emancipation of the slaves.
Did not allow for African Americans to frequent any parks owned by whites
Why were the black codes put in place?
To let the whites have somewhat control over African Americans.
African American men were allowed to vote after the 15th Amendment.
Radical Republicans
The Radical Republicans’ reconstruction offered all kinds of new opportunities to African-American people, including the right to vote for black men, property ownership, education, legal rights, and even the possibility of holding political office.
13th Amendment
Abolished Slavery
Any theater that is attended by blacks and whites had to have them both separated at all times.
Why were African Americans happy after the Civil War?
They were happy that they were not labeled as slaves anymore.
The 14th Amendment abolished slavery.