Famous names | Reconstruction plans | Government | Types of people | Extra Vocabulary |
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
This man emancipated slaves, ending all slavery
What is Lincolns 10% plan?
This said that the US could be reintegrated when 10 percent of the 1860 vote count from that state had taken an oath of allegiance to the US and pledged to follow the emancipation. Voters then could elect people to establish new state governments, Lincoln guaranteed that he would protect their private
property except their slaves |
What is impeachment?
A charge of misconduct
What is a scalywag?
This is a person who commits bad actions that are mistievious, rather than deadly or harmful.
What is a Pocket Veto?
this is an indirect veto of a legislative bill by the president or a governor by retaining the bill unsigned until it is too late for it to be dealt with during the legislative session.
Who is Rosa Parks?
This woman refused to give her seat up to a white woman on a bus, helping the forward movment of Black equal rights.
What is the Wade-Davis Bill?
This bills strongly tried to help out african americans and it was required that each state formally abolishes slavery. The last term for this bill was that no confederates or past confederate leaders could join the new union government.
What is the 13th ammendment?
The US formally abolished slavery with this.
What is a carpetbagger?
a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections is often called a...
What are Black Codes?
These were restrictive laws designed to limit the freedom of African Americans and ensure their availability as a cheap labor force
What is the Ku Klux Klan? (KKK)
a violent secret fraternal society founded in 1915 in Georgia to maintain white Protestant cultural and political power
What was Johnsons plan?
Pardons would be granted to those taking a loyalty oath. No pardons would be available to high Confederate officials and persons owning property valued in excess of $20,000. A state needed to abolish slavery before being readmitted
What is the 14th amendment?
All people, under this amendment, who have been born or neutralized to America, is under equal protection of the constitution.
What is a Tenant farmer?
A person who farms rented land is called a...
What is the Freedmen's Bureau?
This was an agency of the War Department set up in 1865 to assist formerly enslaved people, freed from slavery by emancipation, in obtaining relief, land, and jobs.
Who was Frederick Doughlass ?
A former black slave, who performed speeches on black equal rights, eventually becomming the first black man to hold high office.
What are the Radical Republicans plan?
They wanted to rid of slavery completely, without a compromise, for permanent measures.
What is the 15th amendment?
This amendment allowed for all citezens to have the right to vote.
What is a Sharecropper?
A tenant farmer who gives a part of each crop as rent.
What is a Graft?
This is a piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically.
Who is John Wilkes Booth
This man assassinated Abraham Lincoln
What was the 10% plan?
this was the plan that the US government permitted.
What is Amnesty?
this is an official pardon to those who have commited political offenses.
What is a Dept Peonage?
An employer compels a worker to pay off a debt with work, is called...
What is the “Whiskey Ring”?
men who conspired to defraud the federal government of taxes were called the...