What is School For? | Does School Kill Creativity? | Let's Teach for Mastery no Test Scores | Online Learning | How Private Schools are Serving the Poorest |
Who was talking with him at the end of he video?
What did he say goes deep within people and causes them to pin you when you ask them about it?
Sal Khan
Who gave this TED talk?
In person
Can you learn better fully in person or partially online and in person?
They are lower quality
What are the stereotypes of private schools?
How to deal with stress, mental health, and learning
What did he say schools should focus more on?
What did he say kids were born with?
Mastery of a subject
What does he focus most on when teaching?
You can master skills and take more time to learn things because it is self guided learning
Why would online learning help improve learning?
Free produce vs. Fresh Produce
What did they compare private schools to?
To help teachers and school administrators realize that school isn't just about test scores and grades
What was the main purpose of the video?
They all have ambition and innovation
What did he say we can all agree on with children?
Mastert and mindset
What are the two categories that he talked about?
It can reach millions of more students who may not have access to school
Why is could online learning be more beneficial for the world?
No. They are better quality because the people attending the school are paying out of their own pocket for their kids to be there
Are those stereotypes true about private schools?
Find another answer
What did he say "F" would stand for if schools focused more on learning rather than grades
What is school diminishing in students?
Fixed mindset
What mindset did he say math created in some people who watched his videos?
10 times more
How many times more students did he say he'd teach more than his dad would in his whole career?
Because people pay for their kids to be there out of their own pocket and hold the schools/teachers responsible for good quality
According to the studies and survey why are private schools actually better quality?
Students getting information shoved down their throats and being forced to throw it up for the test
What did he relate tests and students to?
We were taught that we can't be wrong
Why are we afraid of innovation/doing something wrong?
Once it gets harder and more advanced students tend to hit a wall
What happens to students when there begins to be too many gaps in learning?
Those who help them learn best
Who do students choose as teachers?
For the elite and rich only
What is the stigma private schools have?