Syllables | Syllable Types | How am i unique?!? | What's the point |
What is a syllable
A word or words that have one beat per syllable when you clap it out.
How many syllable types are there
How is this name unique:
It has 3 vowels together
What is the point in syllables
It helps to sound out words.
(How to pronounce the word) |
How many syllables does this word have:
What are the syllable types
Closed, Open, R-Controlled, Magic-E, Vowel Pair,Consonant L-E
How is this word unique:
6 syllables
What is the point in reading
So you know how to read because if you don't, you won't be able to do most things
Make up a word that has at least 2 syllables
(Answers may vary!)
Give an example of any syllable type
(Answers may vary!)
How is this word unique:
Consonant L-E, R-Controlled
What is the point of Magic-E syllables
It helps the vowel to say its name
How many syllables does this word have:
What is unique about this word Encyclopedia
6- It has a vowel pair.
How many syllable types are in this word:
3 : Closed, Vowel Pair, R-Controlled
How is this word unique:
It has the same letters backwards
What is the point of a sentence diagram
So you know how to break up the sentence
What is the reason for a syllable
It helps to sound out words.
(How to pronounce the word) |
Give an example of Magic-E, Closed,and Open syllable types
(Answers may vary!)
How is this word unique:
4 syllables
What is the point of a syllable diagram
So you can see how to break up a word