Vocabulary Main Idea / Supporting Details Inferences / Fallacies Sentence Structure Author's tone / fact vs. opinion
What are Context Clues
Hints within a sentence that help unlock the meaning of an unknown word.
What is a Topic
A word, name, or phrase that labels the subject of a paragraph or essay but does not reveal the specific contents of the passage.
What is an Inference
Subtle suggestions expressed without direct statement
What is for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so?
What is bias?
An opinion or position on a subject recognized through facts slanted toward an author's personal beliefs.
What is an antonym
A word that means the opposite of another word
What is the point the author is trying to make about the topic?
The question you ask yourself to determine the author's main idea
When you imply you are speaking or writing
When you infer you are listening or reading
Imply vs. Infer
What is a complex sentence?
What type of sentence is this?
The girl was madly in love with the boy even though he didn't even know she existed.
Fact- a statement based on actual evidence or personal observation.
Opinion- a statement of personal feeling or judgment
Fact vs. Opinion
What are prefixes, roots, and suffixes
The three parts of words that help determine meaning
What is, Main idea, supporting details and topic.
Determine T, M.I., & S.D. a. For poor farm families, life on the plains meant a sod house or a dugout carved out of the hillside for protection from the winds. b. One door and usually no more than a single window provided light & air. c. Sod houses on the plains
What is- Greenhouse gases are contributing to global warming, and Americans are creating more of it.
What can you infer? 408- species that could be extinct by 2050 if global warming trends continue
6.6 tons- average amount of greenhouse gases emitted annually by each American, an increase of 3.4% since 1990
What is acompound-complex sentence?
What type of sentence is this?
When I decided to get my GED, I didn't realize it was going to be the best choice I had ever made, for it opened doorways that otherwise would have remained closed.
What is an opinion
Is this a fact or opinion?
The most controversial tax is a general sales tax, which is levied by all but a few states on the sale of most goods, sometimes exempting food and drugs.
What is a deadlocked situation
Use context clues:
At times, two sides cannot--or will not-- agree. The speed and ease with which such an impasse is resolved depend in part on the nature of the contract issues.
An impasse means...
Not all plants grow in the same way.
M.I.-Not all plants grow in the same way. Some plants grow and reproduce in one year and are called annuals. Some plants grow and reproduce in two years and are called biennials. Other plants grow and reproduce for many years and are called perennials.
What is oversimplification
Determine the fallacy
The explanation for the distribution of grades is simple. College students either study or they do not study.
What is a fragment and a run-on?
What two problems can you find? Name them:
Going to go to town soon. I've really been needing to get some more grass seed for my lawn and I need to get some more soil for my garden.
What is angry
Author's tone-Must I recycle everything? I don't want any more gifts of brown, "earth friendly" stationary. I want to exercise my right to burn my newspapers and throw my soda can in the trash. Objective, nostalgic, or angry?
What are heat lovers
Use context clues: Another group of archaea, the hyperthermophiles, thrive in very hot waters; some even live near deep-ocean vents where temps are above 100 degrees C, the boiling point of water at sea level- Hyperthermophiles are animals, heat lovers, birds, or winter plants?
Topic- Medical Tests
M.I.- There are several questions you should ask whenever your doctor orders a medical test for you.
T & implied M.I.-Whenever your physician orders a medical test for you, ask why you need it. You should also inquire about the risks and benefits are. Find out how to prepare for it. For example, you may need to fast or discontinue medications or herbal remedies you are taking. Finally, be sure to ask what the test will involve.
What is a misleading analogy
Determine the fallacy
Prayer in school is like cereal for breakfast. They both get the morning off to a good start.
Because both parents work, neither is home to cook, so there is no time to make pot roast, chicken or stew.
Correctly join these sentences into 1 correct sentence: Both parents work. Neither is home to cook. There is no time to make a pot roast. There is no time to cook chicken. There is no time to prepare stew.
What is a fact.
Is this fact or opinion?
When you feel anger, your heart rate increases and so does the temperature of your skin; and when you feel fear, your heart rate increases but your skin temperature actually decreases.

Language B, Spring 2016

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