Study Tips/Tricks Study Breaks Study Locations Study Prioritization Study Help!
What is the pomodoro method?
This time management method uses a timer to break work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.
What is watching TV?
This popular “study break” activity might lead to you realizing it’s been a few hours since you said “only one more episode”
What is the Hinman Success Center?
This renovated study location is a quick walk from your dorms, and features printers, study rooms, and white boards.
What is setting deadlines?
A habit that can be created using a syllabus or by setting time based goals to work towards.
What is Success Coaching?
An on-campus resource that can help you with study skills.
What is a study plan?
When you start studying, it might be helpful to sit down first and create one of these.
What is going for a walk?
How can you use up some nervous energy while staying productive? Go for one of these around campus!
What is Starbucks?
Need a quick caffeine boost? You’ll probably stop at this location to get a coffee or tea and study in a social environment.
What is preparing for things to pop up?
When a student puts in effort to schedule their personal deadlines ahead of schedule incase…
What is supplemental instruction?
A resource led by peers that can supplement classroom learning twice a week.
What is Quizlet?
Want to quiz yourself on material, but don’t have any flashcards? This popular online resource can help!
What is listening to a playlist?
Making one of these to match the length of your study break can help increase productivity. You might use spotify or apple music to create it!
What is Bartle Library?
Looking for a space designated to all things studying? This building on campus has four floors and a basement, each with different study spots.
What is starting the hardest first?
When reviewing a list of tasks to complete, which task should be prioritized first- small, simple tasks or larger, harder tasks.
What is attending office hours?
A place to go if you need advice on how to study for a specific course.
What is mind mapping?
If you use this note-taking strategy to study, you might be seen placing a central concept in the middle of your paper, and drawing lines to connect ideas that relate to the central idea and each other.
What is setting an alarm?
This helpful time management tool can pull you back from a study break, if you’re able to stick to it and not hit “snooze!”
What is University Union Undergrounds?
Need a large study space with some breaks built in? This location has a lot of study space and a bowling alley!
What is taking planned breaks?
A time that is scheduled between study sessions to rejuvenate one's energy, drive and work ethic.
What is going to UTS?
An office on campus where peers can provide free tutoring services
What is Feynman Technique?
When you go to study, you start by writing down the concept you are trying to explain. Then, you write a simple explanation of it as though you were explaining it to a friend.
What is mindfulness?
This tactic of focusing in on your thoughts, breathing, or physical presence can serve as a productive and calming study break.
What is Science Library?
As an additional study space, what location on campus also has a sustainability hub?
What is meeting with a success coach?
A peer or professional staff on campus who you can make an appointment with to talk about prioritization techniques.
What is B-Successful?
A platform one uses to make an appointment with a Success Coach.

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