Vocab Ch. 1 | Vocab Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 Vocab and angels | concepts | Concepts continued |
The hidden truths God chose to reveal about himself.
What is divine revelation?
The virtue that enables us to believe and accept all that God has revealed.
What is faith?
An offense against God; knowing that something is wrong and choosing to do it anyway.
What is sin?
The Truth
What did God send his son Jesus down to earth to reveal?
We are born without grace, it damaged our abilities to think and to choose, and our bodies will experience suffering and death.
How are we affected by original sin?
Different forms of writing (allegory, history, poetry, etc).
What are literary forms? Give one example?
The gift of God's life that enables us to believe and accept all that God has revealed.
What is grace?
There are nine that we know of.
How many choirs of angel are there?
Sacred scripture and sacred tradition.
What are the two ways that divine revelation is transmitted?
Faith, Hope, and Charity
What are the three theological virtues?
The book of the Old and New Testaments, the Bible, the first recorded statement of sacred tradition.
What is Sacred Scripture?
The responsibility to care for all of God's creation.
What is stewardship?
An action in which someone or something is offered to God as a sign of love.
What is a sacrifice?
They were divinely guided by God to write down, through their own thoughts and choices, what God wished them to write.
What role did human authors play in the writing of sacred scripture?
To return man to God's love, to show us how we should act as images of God, to make up for original sin, and to institute sacraments.
Why did God the Son, or Jesus become man?
The Church.
What is the mystical person of Christ?
The first five books of the Bible. (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy)
What is the Pentateuch
Love that brings good out of evil.
What is merciful love?
Intellect and Will.
What are the two main powers of the Soul?
A sacrament is a physical sign given to us by Jesus, through which Jesus meets us and gives us grace.
What is a Sacrament?
God the son, the second person of the Holy Trinity.
What is the Incarnation?
To have no beginning and no end.
What does it mean to be eternal?
What is
Who is the queen of angels, and who are the three archangels?
The sacrifice of Jesus is recalled and re-presented.
What is re-presented at every mass?
The theological virtue that enables us to love God above all things and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
What is Charity