Time & Attendance/TK+ | General TLM Knowledge | Common Objections | TLM Process | Sending Leads/Partnerships |
What is Web/Mobile, Biometric Timeclock, Kiosk
3 Different options Alex has for EEs to clock in/out
What is time off requests
Alex can use this feature to keep track of employee time off and staff accordingly
What is
Give an example to overcome the objection we are fine with what we have
What is 2-3 business days
What is 2-3 business days
What is a seat ride
Weekly opportunity to connect with your TLM partner on open leads in pipeline, generate leads, work on talk tracks
What is Geo-location & GPS Pin Drop
These 2 features are the main differences in the mobile app for T&A and TK+
What is GPS pin drop
Alex can use this feature to see where employees are clocking in and out on the mobile app
What is we have promos in place to do this now rather than later
Give an example to overcome the objection not right now
What is Time & Attendance
Can be turned around within 24-48 hours
What is communication
One thing that makes a good partner
What is TK+
This product provides a visual overview of Time Management trends and to-do items on the Team Management Dashboard
What is time reports
Alex can use this feature for auditing timecards and supplying records to DOL
What is you can never be too small for accurate reports and accurate timekeeping for the DOL
Give an example to overcome the objection we are too small
What is Timekeeping Plus
Can be turned around same day so client can train
What is contact information, number of employees, payroll discount, current process
Name two important details to include in a TLM lead
What is Supplemental Earnings
Alex can use this feature to track expenses, mileage reimbursements, commission
What is prevents buddy punching
The main benefit of having a fingerprint timeclock or facial recognition tablet
What is our system will save 1.2% of your annual payroll
Give an example to overcome the objection of additional price
What is completed training and activated billing
What needs to be done after client signs to "start" your TLM business
What is Sending Engages/Pivoting on calls
How to generate TLM leads
What is Department Tracking/Job Costing
Alex can use this feature to have employees log time worked at specific jobs/departments and can tie different pay rates to each job
What is electronic timesheets, PTO tracking/TORs, scheduling, reporting, physical timeclocks
List three features included in both systems AND the main benefit of one
What is Price, Too Small, Not Right Now, Status Quo
List 4 common objections and give an EXAMPLE of how to handle at least 1
What is company codes
This is what your TLM partner needs in order to send a sales agreement for an NC or AC
What is Who, What, When
List the three Ws of a good lead