General Trivia | MERT Administration | EMS Knowledge | MERT Vehicle | Map |
When was MERT founded?
Under the sink in the lab across from the bathrooms
Where is the Goergen Jump Bag?
Disconnected ribs in chest, uneven chest rise or opposite chest rise during respiration. Bandage chest to keep them in place.
What is flail chest? How do you treat it?
What year was the vehicle purchased
River lot
What is the parking lot across from 612
Emily, Porter, Michael, Timmy, Sarah
Name four people currently in MERT that have taught a CPR class.
on campus, not on wilson blvrd, responding to priority one calls
When are we allowed to use lights in vehicle 800
On a backboard
How do you transport a patient that is receiving CPR?
Backboard, KED, hare traction splint, peds BVM
Name four pieces of vehicle 800 equipment that if used, necessitate contacting the equipment director
What is the residence area known as GLC
Ann McMican
Who is MERT's most powerful UHS contact?
Who is responsible for printing out training evaluation forms when they get low?
Mid-line, closed femur fracture
When do you use a hare-traction splint
An electrical hook-up that allows you to keep the vehicle running on the battery. ????????
What is a shoreline? Where is the connection on vehicle 800?
Describe how to get to the emergency department
What is Lt. Reed's call sign
the one who responded first
If two 802s respond to a call in the GroupMe to a day call, which one should go to the scene?
Cushing's Triad
What is the tell-tale set of vitals indicative of inter-cranial hemorrhage called?
The back next to spare O2 tanks, NOTHING
Where is the medication box in vehicle 800? What is in it?
The road on the drive to Southside
What is Kendrick Road?
Mark Cavanaugh
Who is the university Fire Marshall and Chief Safety Marshall?
EMT and the shift isn't filled within 24 hours of it beginning
When can an 803 take an 802 shift
How many times do you shock a pulseless, apneic patient suffering from hypothermia
Stop, call DPS and DO in that order, dispatch RMMS to call
What do you do if you get into an accident while responding to a call?
Medical student housing
What is the Goler House