What is Nada?
A Spanish idiom for "Don't worry about it", literally "nothing happens", is no pasa this word
What are biceps?
Time for some twisting dumbbell curls & underhanded seated rowing to help develop these upper arm muscles with 2 heads
What is Continental Breakfast?
This type of breakfast got its name from the idea that other Europeans ate lighter in the morning than Brits did
What is Monopoly
Trump up your properties! Rule railroads! Utilize utilities! Bankrupt foes & say it's nothing personal, just business
What is Jungle Gym?
I'm hanging out on this playground piece that sounds like you should be climbing it in The Rainforest.
What is Fiesta?
Lionel Richie sang of celebrations in many languages: "We're going to party, karamu," this Spanish word
What is Press?
The machine works your pecs just like the bench type, & it's easier to watch the gym TV sitting up
What is Taco Bell?
Oddly enough, this famous 'Mexican Restaurant' has 0 locations in Mexico
What is Battleship
Your opponent's 5-piece Navy must go down, & it must go down hard
What is a Timeout?
In the NBA these recesses can be regular or 20-second
What is Bonito?
This fish in the tuna family is also a masculine adjective for "pretty" in Spanish
What are the Abdominals?
The external obliques toward the sides are the outer layer of these core muscles
What is 'Sunday Roast'
'Sundays' are associated with the name of this meal, often observed in Commonwealth nations
What is Risk?
42 territories, including Siam; one simple goal:
Complete... Global... Domination! |
What is a Teeter-Totter/Seesaw?
Run, don't walk to this up & down recess plaything based on balance
What is Armada?
Stand down, Sir Francis Drake; Spanish-speaking countries such as Argentina use this to mean their navy
What are Thighs?
It's leg day! The adductor muscles are inner muscles in this body part, so let's squeeze the 2 together & use them! & again!
What are Marmalade Sandwiches?
Paddington Bear has a favorite food. Can you name it?
What is Clue?
Was it Scarlet with a barbell in the spa? Or was it Alex with the knife at the bar?? Discover the secrets of this board game
What is an Intermission?
Many plays have this delay built into the middle so people can stretch their legs
What is Vigilante?
In Spanish this word is not someone taking the law into his own hands, it's just a watchman, like a night watchman
What are deltoids?
Let's blast these triangular shoulder muscles with some lateral raises with kettlebells, & don't just use momentum; we'll do traps next
What are 'Meals Ready to Eat'
MRE is officially short for this, though soldiers have referred to them as "meals rejected by everyone"
What is Life?
What a fun game--buy insurance; pay taxes; get in a ski accident; get married; get fired; bottom line--get the highest dollar amount
What is a Holiday?
This 7-letter word for a day off from school or work originally referred to a religious observance