Blood The Nervous System The Cardiovascular System
What is Blood
Blood is the fluid that carries gases, nutrients, and wastes throughout the body.
What is the Central Nervous System
The Central Nervous System is the Brain and the Spinal Cord.
What is the Cardiovascular System
The Cardiovascular System is a collection of organs that transport blood throughout the body
What do White Blood Cells do
White Blood Cells fight Bacteria, Viruses, and other microscopic particles that can make you sick.
What is the Brain
The Brain is the organ that is the main control center
of the Nervous System.
What is a vein
The Vein is a vessel that carries blood to the heart
What are the components of Blood
The components of Blood are Plasma, Red Blood Cells, Platelets, and White Blood Cells.
What is a neuron
A neuron is a Nerve Cell that is specialized to receive and conduct electrical impulses
What is an Artery
An Artery is a Blood Vessel that carries blood away from the heart to the body's organs
How does your body regulate temperature
Your body regulates temperature by enlarging when you are hot then narrowing when cold.
What is a Nerve
A Nerve is a collection of nerve fibers through which impulses travel between the Central Nervous System and other parts of the body.
What is the Capillary
The Capillary is a tiny blood vessel that allows an exchange between blood and cells in tissue.
What does A Blood type receive Blood and donate Blood to
A Blood types receive A, and O Blood types but can donate to A, and AB Blood types.
What is the Peripheral Nervous System
The Peripheral Nervous System is all of the parts of the nervous system except for the Brain and the Spinal Cord.

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