CPRI | Mixed Mode | Gone but not forgotten | Abbreviations |
What is 6?
The number of CPRI ports on a DUW10 board.
What is MSMM L/C?
The mixed mode configuration that the XMU-c enables.
What is the RBS3000?
This WCDMA basestation was the predecessor to the RBS6000?
What is the Board Processor Platform?
Abbreviated BPP.
What is 1.2Gbps?
The lowest speed that a DUS41 can connect at.
What is eAccess?
The first customer running MSMM W/L.
What is the DUL21?
This digital unit, intended for the Chinese market, is no longer supported.
What is the SVL?
(Soft Value Lookup)
Augments and overrides the BVL.
What is 64?
The max number of WCDMA carriers on a 10Gbps link
What is gpsout?
The protocol that keeps the node clocks synchronized.
What is UPP?
This platform for the early EMCAs now lives with BBI.
What is the Open Telecom Platform?
Abbreviated OTP.
What is 23 Mbps?
(Plus 84 Mbps for the regular O&M link.)
Bandwidth allocated to the unused "Fast CM" link at 10Gbps
What is 8608?
The worlds best CR.
Who is Anders W?
This person used to be the departments foremost herpetologist.
What is the unit name for BNET DURA PLF RA APPL SWITCH?