Dogs | Disney | Countries | Sports | Food |
What is the Chihuahua
It is the smallest dog breed
What is Frozen
This movie is Disney's most popular with 1.9 million Google searches every year
What is French
Berets, floppy hats, are associated with this country
What is 4
The Olympics are held this many years apart
What is coca-cola
This famous soft drink was invented in 1892
What is the Greyhound
It is the fastest dog breed
What is 12
Prince Hans of the Southern Isles tells Anna he has these many brothers
What is Iraqi
People in Iraq are normally called this
What is soccer
This sport is the most popular sport worldwide
What is at least 97%
The amount of caffeine that needs to be taken out of coffee for it to be decaffeinated is this
What is the Irish Wolfhound
It is the largest dog breed
What is Nana
The name of Wendy's dog in Peter Pan is this
What is Mexico
This country's food includes enchiladas, burritos, and tacos
What is lacrosse
The national sport of Canda is this
What is a spit
If food is described as rotisserie it has been cooked on this
What is the Chinese Crested Dog
This hairless dog breed originated in China
What is no worries
Hakuna Matata means this in Swahili
Who is Queen Elizabeth II
The monarch of England in 2007 was this person
What is a turkey
When a bowler makes 3 strikes in a row it's called this
What is saffron
This is the most expensive spice by weight in the world
What is the Havanese
This dog breed originated in Havana, Cuba
What is Princess Melody
Prince Eric and Ariel's daughter is named this
What is Kenya
This country is bordered by Somalia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda
What is the Philippines
This country has competed the most times in the Summer Olympics but still hasn't won a gold medal
What are pepper and mustard
The top two most popular spices in the world are these