Effective Note Taking | Be Your Best on Tests | Studying for Success | Time for Everything | Getting Your Writing Right |
What is the double-entry method?
Draw a line down the center of your page, write your main notes on the left, then write questions or comments in the right-hand column.
What is staying on topic when writing an essay?
Addressing questions being asked, do not get off subject, one point each paragraph.
What is the process of making a study plan?
Assignment, due date, days to work, times to work, & estimated time needed (total)
What are goals?
Results obtained from planning and committing to procedures.
What is a topic sentence?
Presents the ain idea of the paragraph and usually appears at the beginning of a paragraph.
What are study cards?
Small pieces of paper with a question on one side and the answer on the other used in note taking.
What are symptoms of test anxiety?
Upset stomach, racing heart, headache, feeling tense, inability to concentrate, sweaty palms
What is mnemonic devices?
Images, acronyms, and word play used for studying.
What is a planner?
A paper, book, or electronic device used to keep on schedule.
What is a complete sentence?
Consists of a subject, a verb, and a complete thought.
What are associations?
Mental pictures, rhymes, and comparisons help create these.
What are ways to reduce test anxiety?
Be prepared, learn about the test, practice, think positive, deep breathing, relax
What is a study group?
Groups formed when preparing for a test.
What is a study block?
An time designated on a planner used for studying.
What is a complex sentence?
Sentence that uses connecting words or phrases to join a dependent clause to an independent clause.
What is the sentence method?
Writing each thought on a new line.
What are visual aids?
Time lines, charts, diagrams
What are ways to take care of yourself?
Sleep, eat healthy, exercise
What is prioritizing?
Create a daily to-do list, rate each task, mark off finished items, move items not finished to the next day.
What is a compound sentence?
A sentence that can join two independent clauses with the help of connecting words or phrases with a comma or semicolon.
What is SQ4R method?
Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Record, Review
What are transition words?
Words and phrases the help link ideas within an essay.
Where is the best place to study?
A quiet, comfortable, organized and clear area.
What is procrastination?
Putting off a task for tomorrow when it should be done today.
What is a subject pronoun?
Refers to the performer of an action.