Ramadan | Islam | Prophets | Drake facts | Random |
What is Ramadan
The month that muslim's fast
What is 5 pillars
How many pillars of Islam are there
What is Adam (as)
Who is the first Prophet?
What is Drake Relays
Special Event at Drake this Week
What is Hubbell
The name of the dining hall
What is Iftar
The meal we break our fast with
What is Assalamu Alaykum
How do muslims greet each other
What is Muhammad (pbuh)
Who is the last Prophet
What is Griff II
Drake's live mascot's name
What is a Hijab
Muslim women wear this to cover their hair
What is Sunrise to Sunset
The length in which muslim's fast
What is Wa Alaykum Salam
What is the response to a muslim greeting
What is Jacob
Which prophet is the father of Joseph
What is 1881
The year Drake was founded
What is Prophet Jonah (Yunus as)
This prophet was swallowed by a whale
What is the 9th month
Ramadan begins during which month of the Islamic lunar calendar?
What is the testimony of faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Hajj
The 5 pillars of Islam
What is 25
There are ________ prophets mentioned in the holy Quran
What is 6
The amount of Drake colleges
What is Eid
The celebration after Ramadan
What is the Quran
The month of Ramadan was the month in which______ was brought down
What is Belief in Allah, the prophets, the angels, the books, the day of judgement, and the divine decree
What is the 6 pillars of Iman
What is Moses (as)
Which Prophet is mentioned in the Quran the most?
What is Francis Marion Drake
Who was Drake named after
What is Layaltul Qadr( the "Night of Power")
This the most tranquil night of Ramadan. It is better than a thousand nights