Eid | Laylatul-Qadr | Fasting | Special Terms | Surprise |
What is Eid-ul-Fitr?
The festival used to mark the end of Ramadan
What happens during the last 10 nights of Ramadan?
One of these nights is Laylatul-Qadr
What is forbidden during fasting?
Eating, Drinking, Smoking, Swearing, Gossiping
What is patience?
What is the month after Ramadan?
What is celebrated in Shawwal?
When we celebrate Eid
What is worth more than 1000 months?
How much good deeds are worth on this day
Who can't fast during Ramadan?
SIck people, children, old people
What is Taraweeh?
The special prayer in Ramadan
What is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar?
This is the month of Ramadan
What is Breaking Fast?
The meaning of Fitr
When was the Quran revealed?
The significance of this night
What is the Arabic word for fasting?
Is Eid prayer prayed like a normal prayer
No there are more takbeers
What is 29 or 30 days?
The length of Ramadan
What lasts for 3 days?
Eid ul Fitr lasts for this long
What is the Night of Power?
The meaning of this night
What day is it recommended we don’t fast? (Outside of Ramadan)
What prayer can we pray after Isha but before Fajr (besides Taraweeh)
Month before Ramadan is called...
What happens when the New Moon is sighted?
Eid ul Fitr begins when it is found
What surah has 5 ayahs about this night?
The surah about the first revelation has these many ayahs.
What is to feel compassion for the less fortunate?
The purpose of fasting
What is "Iqra"?
The first word of the Quran revealed.
What is Isra AlMiraj?
When the Prophet (PBUH) visited the Heavens