Salah | Sunnah | Quran | Sahaba | Facts |
Fajr and Maghrib
At which prayer do you start and stop fasting?
Prophet Mohammad (SAW) used to break his fast with what food?
What was the first word to be Revealed?
What is Medinas old name?
20 Rakah
How long is taraweeh?
7 (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha, Tarawih, and Tahajjud)
How many prayers total are there in Ramadan?
Mondays and Thursdays
On which days of the week can you not fast?
Surah Alaq (Ayah 1)
What was the first Ayah to be Revealed?
Does not have one, LOL
What is Makkas old name?
Prophet Yakob, Yunus, and Yusuf
Which Prophets name start with Y?
What is the last Prayer of the day?
On which day of the week can you not fast?
In what month was the Quran revealed?
Uthman (RA)
Who married 2 of the prophets wives?
Prophet Ibrahim
Which Prophet has 2 sons?
What is the longest prayer?
Eid al-adha, Eid al-fitr, and the 3 days after each
On which days of the year can you not fast?
Surah Qadr
Which Surah talks about Layla-Tul-Qadr?
Omar (RA)
Who was the second khalifa?
Prophet Ishaq and Ismail
Who are Prophet Ibrahims Sons?
5 (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha)
How many mandatory prayers are there in Ramadan?
If Prophet Mohammad (SAW) did not have water, what did he break his fast with?
Uthman (RA)
Which Sahaba Memorized the whole Quran in one night?
Zayd (RA)
Who did the prophet adopt?
Prophet Nuh
Which Prophet was in the stomach of a Whale?