Praying | Uroo Al-Deen | Fasting | Prophets and Imams | Laylat al qadr |
Salat al Subh
What is the 1 prayer we pray at dawn called?
Al Tawheed
What is the first Uroo Al-Deen called?
Do we eat and drink while fasting?
الملاك جبرائيل
Angel Gabriel
Who gave Prophet Mohamed the Quran?
A thousand months.
Laylat al qadr is greater than how many months?
Salat al Zuhr and Asr.
What is the 2 prayers we pray at lunchtime?
Al Adl
What is the 2nd Uroo Al-Deen called?
30 days.
How many days do we have to fast?
Imam Ali (as)
Who is the 1st Imam?
Is Laylat al qadr special.
Salat al Maghreb and Asha.
What is the 2 prayers we pray at sunset?
Al Nabuwa
What is the 3rd Uroo Al-Deen called?
When its time to pray Salat al Maghreb and Asha.
When do we break our fast?
There are how many Imams?
12 Imams
The "Night of Destiny"
What does "Laylat al qadr" mean?
5 prayers.
How many prayers do we pray everyday?
Al Imamah
What is the 4th Uroo Al-Deen called?
Yes or True
Is it true that the poor is like this eveyday, with no food and water to drink?
Imam Ali al-Hadi (as)
Who is the 10th Imam.
Is Laylat al qadr a day in Ramadan?
Who do we pray to?
Al Qiyamah
What is the 5th Uroo Al-Deen called?
What are we suppose to break our fast on?
Imam Mahdi
Wich Imam is the Imam of our time (The Imam that is still alive right now?).
It is the day where Allah first reaveld the Quran to Prophet Mohammed through الملاك جبرائيل.
What is Laylat al qadr?