Nature Self-Reliance The Snow-storm Goodbye Concord Hymn
What does the passage beginning “Trust thyself” tell you about Emerson’s belief in the importance of the individual?
He believes the individual’s importance is from God and that people must there- fore honor it and trust in it.
What does Emerson believe about being true to oneself?
Emerson believes it produces the best work and the most spiritual peace. He believes that unless one is true to oneself, one will never find inspiration.
What terms does Emerson use to describe society?
He describes it as a joint-stock company.
According to Emerson, what is society’s main purpose?
Its purpose is to conspire against individual self- reliance.
According to Emerson, what do Pythagoras, Socrates, Jesus, Luther, Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton have in common? What evidence does Emerson use to support his claim that “to be great is to be misunderstood”?
They were all misunderstood. He points out that some of the greatest people who ever lived were misunderstood.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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