Race and Racism Understanding Race and Racism Various forms of Racism Racial Terminology Racial and Ethnic Groups
What is race?
A human group defined by itself or others as distinct by virtue of perceived common physical characteristics that are held to be inherent. A group of human beings socially defined on the basis of physical characteristics.
What is a majority group?
A group of people which hold the balance of power, influence, and wealth in the society.
What is cultural racism?
The cultural images and messages that affirm the assumed superiority of Whites and the assumed inferiority of people of color. Being inundated by these images in our daily lives causes us to develop the negative categorizations of those groups.
What is passive racism?
Conscious or unconscious beliefs, attitudes, and actions that support the system of racism, racial prejudice, and racial dominance and contribute to the maintenance of racism, without openly advocating violence, discrimination.
What is white?
Americans of European descent.
What is ethnicity?
A segment of a larger society whose members are thought, by themselves and/or others, to have a common origin and to share important segments of a common culture and who, in addition participate in shared activities in which the common origin and culture
What is prejudice?
Having feelings, either positive or negative, favorable or unfavorable, towards a person or thing prior to or not based on actual experience. It involves both ideas and feelings, and is the force behind discriminatory behavior and its justification.
What is internalized racism?
When people from targeted racial groups hold in racist beliefs about themselves or members of their racial group.
What is active racism?
Actions that have as their stated or explicit goal the maintenance of a certain system and the oppression of those in targeted groups.
What is people of color?
Those groups in America that are and have been historically targeted by racism.
What is culture?
The configuration of learned behavior whose components and elements are shared and transmitted by members of a particular society.
What is privilege?
A special advantage, immunity, permission, right or benefit granted by a group. Also an unearned advantage given to a group of people due to their membership in a certain group (for example, whites or males).
What is internalized oppression?
When a member of a stereotyped group holds true or believes the stereotypical categories about his or her own group to some degree.
What is an empowered person of color?
A person of color who understands racism and its impact on her/his life, and can respond in strategic and self affirming ways to racist events and circumstances encountered through living in a racist society.
What is Black?
People of acknowledged African descent. More inclusive than African American, because there are In the United States who are not African American yet are targeted by racism.
What is racial and ethnic identity?
An individual’s awareness and experience of being a member of a particular group; the categories that an individual chooses to describe himself or herself based on such factors as genealogical or ancestral heritage, physical appearance.
What is discrimination?
An observable phenomenon, action or practice or an instance of making distinctions categotically rather than individually. Its actions are not traditionally systemic.
What is horizontal racism?
When people from one targeted racial group believe, act on, or enforce the dominant (white) system of racial discrimination and oppression against other targeted racial groups or individuals.
What is an ally?
A white person who actively works to eliminate racism.
What is Latino?
People of Latin American decent.
What is a minority?
A group of people who, because of physical or cultural characteristics are singled out from others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination.
What is racism?
Any behavior or pattern of behavior that systematically tend to deny access to opportunities or privilege one social group which perpetuating privilege to members of another group.
What is collusion?
Thinking and acting in ways that support the system of racism. Jackson & Hardiman believe that both white people and people of color can collude with racism through their attitudes, beliefs, and actions.
What is an undocumented immigrant?
A person who is in the country without the legal documentation required by the country’s laws. They may enter illegally or they may enter legally and overstay their legal documentation such as a visa.
What is Hispanic
How the U.S. Census (2004) defines people of Latin American or Spanish decent but again does not denote race.

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