What is PPO
Preferred Provider organization
What is Residual Tab
Estimated Patient Responsibility and patient payment
What is the length of the Great Wall of China
13,171 miles
What is the color of the R1 Logo
Blue and White
What is HMO
Health Maintenance Organization
What is Yellow Residual Tab
What is the creator of Disney's First Name
Where is R1 Headquarters
Chicago, IL
What is Medicare Part A
covers inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care, and some home health care.
What is Red Residual Tab
Open Balance
What is Burger King
Home of the Whopper
What is the name of R1 Volunteer services
Helping Hands
What is Medicare B
helps cover medical services like doctors' services, outpatient care, and other medical services that Part A doesn't cover
What is Service Tab
CPT and ICD-10
Who is the greatest player in the NBA Today
Lebron James
What is R1 help desk number
What is Medicaid
government-funded health care coverage program for people with limited income or disabilities.
What is Blue Residual Tab
What type of bean is chocolate made of.
Who is President and Chief Executive Officer of R1
Joe Flanagan