Description | Legal issue and charter section | Result |
Because he was a black man
What did Mr. Brown's council argue was the reason Decovan was stopped by the police?
Section 9 and 24
What sections were violated?
What is the name of the fish that lives near Ms. Baker's desk?
African American descent
What was Decovan Brown's descent? Jamaican, Sudanese, African American, Chad, Cuban, or Serbian?
Racial Profiling
What's the name of the legal issue in this case?
What year was the case dismissed?
What year was Decovan Brown stopped by the police?
a test where a properly informed person determines if there was conscious or subconscious bias from the judge
What is a reasonable apprehension of bias?
The Court of Appeal determined that Officer Olson was motivated by subconscious racial stereotypes, sufficient evidence for racial profiling
What conclusion did the court of appeal determine was the motivation for Officer Olson's actions?
Driving over the speed limit
What was the reason that the officer claimed he stopped Mr. Brown?
Racial profiling is targetting, suspecting, or discriminating a person for their skin colour/race
What's racial profiling?
The trial judge had a reasonable apprehension of bias when he didn’t consider the arguments about racial profiling
Why did the trial judge have a reasonable apprehension of bias?
The Supreme Court of Justice
What was the name of the court that Mr. Brown appealed his summary conviction to?
Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned
What does section 9 state?
The courts have to consider biases and ensure that they are not making decisions based on stereotypes.
Name one reason why this case was significant?