Hoosier facts. Probability/ Ch 4 Review? Review United States
What is popcorn?
90% of the world's ___________ is grown in Indiana.
What is 20.
Kiyomi has 4 pairs of pants (black, green, blue jeans, and plaid) and she has 5 shirts (white, red, teal, black, and brown). If any shirt can be worn with any pair of pants, how many outfits does she own? That is, how many different combinations of pants
What is 36%
At her archery lessons, Tess has a 90% chance of getting a bull’s eye. Unfortunately, there is only a 40% chance that her instructor will be watching her when she shoots. What is the probability that her instructor will see Tess hit the bull’s eye? Explai
What is a vertical angle?
_________________ are the two opposite (that is, non-adjacent) angles formed by two intersecting lines
What is Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois
Name all states that surround (touch) Indiana
What are interstate highways?
True to its motto, Indiana has more miles of _________________per square mile than any other state.
What is 8/20 or 2/5.
Kiyomi has 4 pairs of pants (black, green, blue jeans, and plaid) and she has 5 shirts (white, red, teal, black, and brown). What is the probability that she is wearing black?
What is the SSS Triangle Similarity Conjecture.
if you are testing for similarity between two triangles, then it is sufficient to know that all three corresponding side lengths share a common ratio. This guarantees similarity and is referred to as the ______________.
8x² − 26x − 7
(4x + 1)(2x − 7)
What is
What color shirt is Ms. Casey wearing today?
What is limestone?
Deep below the earth in Southern Indiana is a sea of _____________that is one of the richest deposits found anywhere on earth. New York City's Empire State Building and Rockefeller Center as well as the Pentagon, the U.S. Treasury, a dozen other governme
What is 32%
Less is known for making errors when correcting his students’ papers. On any given problem, he has a 40% chance of grading the problem correctly. (That is, marking a correct solution as correct or a wrong solution as incorrect.)

Victoria is pretty good a
What is the AA Triangle Similarity Conjecture ?
For two triangles it is sufficient to know that two pairs of corresponding angles have equal measures because then the third pair of angles must have equal measure. This is called ___________________.
What is
What is the probability of drawing each of the following cards from a standard playing deck? Remember that a standard deck of cards includes: 52 cards of four suits. Two suits are black: clubs and spades; two are red: hearts and diamonds. Each suit has 13
What is Death?
______________ Valley is the hottest and lowest place in the United States
What is Corydon?
Before Indianapolis, this city served as the state's capitol from 1816-1825
What is a slope angle?
When a right triangle is oriented like a slope triangle, such as the one in the diagram above, the angle the line makes with the horizontal side of the triangle is called a ________________.
What is a quadratic equation.
Equations that can be written in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 are called __________________________.
What is the Triangle Sum Theorem
The _________________ states that the measures of the angles in a triangle add up to 180°. For example, in ΔABC below:
What is Alaska?
_____________ has the longest coastline in the United States at 6,640 miles (10,686 km).
What is tomato juice?
This juice was first served at a French Lick
Hotel in 1925.
What is trignonometry?
In Lesson 4.1.1, you started ____________, the study of the measures of triangles
What are corresponding angles
_______________________lie in the same position but at different points of intersection of the transversal
What is the formula for finding the area of a trapezoid?
A = (b1 + b2)h.
What is Hawaii?
The only royal palace used by a monarch in the U.S. is located in what state?

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