Infection Control & Disease Prevention | Blood Bourne Pathogens (BBP) | Legal Issues and Professionalism | Quality Assurance | Arterial Punctures |
gown, mask, gloves
What is the proper order in putting on isolation apparel?
Put in Biohazard bag with a label on it
What do you do if a specimen tube that has blood on it?
B. Risk management
The process of reducing the liability or exposure to the change of loss or injury is called:
A. informed consent B. Risk management C. Implied consent D. Vicarious liability |
B. Standard of Care
A case where a patient has been injured due to blood collection, the term is used to describe what a reasonably prudent person would do under similar circumstances is called:
A. Discovery B. Standard of Care C. Vicarious liability D. preventative law |
B. Green
Which evacuated tube will yield plasma?
A. Red B. Green C. Orange D. Gold |
Disposed of in a bio hazard bag
What do you do if Tourniquets become contaminated with visible blood?
A. cleaned with 70% alcohol B. cleaned with soap and water C. Disposed of in a biohazard bag D. cleaned with 100% alcohol |
Who is OSHA?
All waste from specimen collections must be disposed of according to regulations from EPA and ?
B. Assault and Battery
A patient is restrained and forced to have blood drawn against their will could file charges of:
A. invasion of privacy B. Assault and Battery C. Assault D. malpractice |
C. refusing to draw a HIV positive patient
Which of the following is an example of unprofessional behavior by a phlebotomy?
A. attending continuing education Seminars B. becoming certified in phlebotomy C. refusing to draw a HIV positive patient D. treating the patient with respect |
A. 1mm x 5mm
The puncture device for the IVY bleeding time makes a standard incision of :
A. 1mm x 5mm B. 2mm x 5mm C. 1mm x 3mm D. 3mm x 5mm |
What is Universal Precautions and BSI (Body substances isolation)
In the CDC guidelines, standard precautions use with both: What are they?
D. Tuberculosis
Which of the following diseases does NOT involve a bloodborne pathogen?
A. HIV B. Malaria C. Syphillis D. Tuberculosis |
A. Associate degree
The minimal educational requirement recommend by several organizations for medical laboratory Technician (MLT) or Clinical laboratory Technician (CLT) is:
A. Associate degree B. Bachelor degree C. High School Diploma D. Master's Degree |
B. obtain patient's blood specimen
The major function of a phlebotomist is to:
A. communicate orders from the nurse B. obtain patient's blood specimen C. analyze laboratory specimens D. Transport patients |
A. Arterial blood
Which of the following is teh specimen of choice when collection a specimen for testing blood ph, pCO2 and pO2?
A. Arterial blood B. Heparinized plasma C. Venous Blood D. Skin Puncture Blood |
What is never allowed
Eating a snack in the lab is acceptable as long as?
What is hand washing?
The First and last step of every isolation procedure is:
B. Negligence
Improper or unskilled care of a patient by a member of the healthcare team is called:
A. Battery B. Negligence C. Malpractice D. Felony |
C. Fill out daily time sheet
Examples of quality control are all of the following EXCEPT?
A. Check expiration dates on evacuated tubes B. Document maintenance done on centrifuge C. Fill out daily time sheet D. Record refrigerator temperature daily |
A. Ulnar Artery
The Allen Test is done to assess collateral circulation to the hand and pressure is released on which artery?
A. Ulnar Artery B. Radial artery C. Bronchial artery D. Femoral artery |
What is 10% hypochlorite solution (BLEACH)
Blood spills should be cleaned up using?
What are Droplets?
Under CDC guidelines there are three sets of transmission based precautions. These routes include contact, airborne and?
B. Offer
Which of the following is NOT a factor to be considered in negligence cases?
A. Damages B. Offer C. Duty D. Proximate caustion |
D. Approved phlebotomy procedures
The Phlebotomy Procedure Manual is used for:
A. OSHA inspectors B. Documentation of difficult draws C. Recording patient collection information D. Approved phlebotomy procedures |
B. Radial artery
The CLSI/NCCLS recommened site for performing an arterial punture is:
A. Ulnar artery B. Radial artery C.Brachial artery D. Femoral artery |