Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous |
What is March
What month was Julies Ceasar stabbed in?
What is "Nevermore"
What does the raven say in Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven?
What is 300
Which of the following is a perfect score in bowling: 115, 250, or 300
What is 9
At what age did King Tut become ruler of Egypt?
What is Joe Biden
Who is the 46th president of the United States?
What is 11
How many time zones are in Russia?
What is K
Which is the chemical symbol for Potassium: P, T, or K?
What is Kenya
Which of the following countries do not have an animal on their flag: Kenya, Egypt, or Peru?
What is Pickles
Which of the following is a real Pringles flavor: Parmesan, Spicy Horseradish, or Pickles?
What is 6
How many wives did Henry Vlll have: 5,6,7, or 8
What is China
Which country invented tea?
What is South America
What continent is closest to Antarctica: South America, Australia, or Africa?
What is Greek
Which Mythology is Pandora's Box from Greek, Roman, or Egyptian?
What is Russia
Which country was the first person in space: Russia, China, or the United States?
What is Obtuse
If an angle is greater than 90 degrees, it is: Obtuse, Acute, Scalene, or Isosceles?
What is 50 meters
How long is an Olympic swimming pool (in meters)?
What is Joan of Arc
Which of these historical figures was born first: Joan of Arc, Leonardo Da Vince, or Marie Antoinette?
What is Tomatoes
Which of the following is not part of the Mcdonald's Big Mac: Lettuce, Onions, or Tomatoes?
What is Belgium
Which country does not share a border with Switzerland: Italy, Belgium, or Austria?
What is Halitosis
What is the medical term for bad breath: Halitosis, Tymofii, or Arthritis?
What is Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
Where did the Vikings come from?
What is A.A. Milne
Which of the following authors penned the first Winnie the Pooh books: Lewis Carol, A.A. Milne, or E.B. White?
What is Skin
What is the largest human organ?
What is Tulsa, Oklahoma
Which of the following is not a U.S. capital: Austin, Texas, Tulsa, Oklahoma, or Jackson, Mississippi?
What is Softball
Which is heavier, a softball or a basketball?