Funky Fractions | Fantastic Fractions | Fun Fractions |
What is a denominator
the bottom number in a fraction .
it shows how many equal parts the item is divided into |
What are fractions that can be used as a reference for other fraction s
examples : 1/4, 1/2 . 3/4
benchmark fraction
What is the same denominators found in different fractions
ex. 1/4 and 3/4
like denominators
What is a unit fraction
a fraction where the top number is 1
What are fractions that have the same value
equivilent fractions
What is different denominators found in different fractions
ex. 1/2 and 1/4
unlike denominators
What is common denominator
a number that is multiple of all the denominators of a set of fractions
What is the top number in the fraction , it shows how many parts you have