writng | food | Names | yoruba | presidents |
What is when you tell about you
what is a personal nartive
What is whoper
what is the name of the buger we get a buger king that is big
yorel and id
name two people in id's class that are bad
What is mo fe ja
how doy you say i want to eat
What is george washiton
1 presdint
What is when you explain
what is expository
What is water
what is healthier juice or water
What is neilson hanniel
name two good people in taye class
What is se le co
say open door
What is Abraham Lincoln
16 prsident
What is reflective essay
what is the essay called that reflects you
What is big mac
which has more calories whopper or big mac
Albert Jolun tyrell
name three bad people in my class
(sometime good) |
What is e ca ro
say good morning
What is Barack Obama
44 president
What is 5-6
how many lines in paragraph
What is egg
which has more protein egg or chicken
sy'nai kyah alana francisca
name 4 tak tive people in my class
What is someone at church that is head
alaba is
What is George W. Bush
43 president
What is when you tell about yourself, can be a adventure
what is personal narrtive explain two way
What is dairy
what is yourgut
larry taye hannah jahlil neilson
name 5 good people in taye class
What is and
subon means
What is George H. W. BUSH
41 president