Holy Thursday | Malvinas day | Féria de Seville | St. George's day | Le semana santa |
What is the Holy Thursday
International catholic holiday
What is malvinas day
Day of the fallen soldiers in the Malvinas war
What is Seville de semana?
A livestock fair
What is
The celebration of saints death
What is
Public offices close for 4 days for people to just enjoy each other or just life
When is it
April 18
When is
April 2
When is it?
Two weeks after Easter
When is
April 23
When is
Thursday through Sunday
Why is it celebrated
To celebrate the catholic religion
What is another name for it
Veterans Day
What is another name for this holiday?
Féria de abril
Why is
He is the patron saint
Why is
So people can go to there hometowns
What is another local name for it
Jueves santo
Who was the war against
United Kingdom
Why is it celebrated?
To celebrate livestock
What is another name for this holiday
Feast of St. George