Minerals | Rock Cycle |
What is Nonliving, a Solid, Crystalline Structure, and Formed in Nature.
What characteristics make up a mineral?
What is Melting.
How do you make magma?
What is
•Metallic •Nonmetallic •Submetallic
What are the three types of luster?
What is Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rock.
What are the two types of Igneous Rock?
What is Moh's Hardness Scale.
How do you find the hardness of a mineral?
What is Heat and Pressure.
What is the process to make Metamorphic Rock?
What is
•Luster •Hardness •Color •streak •Cleavege and fracture •Density •Special Properties
What are the 7 tests to identifying a mineral?
What is
How is
What is True.
True or False:
Is salt a mineral? |