Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4.1 |
Non-living, solid, crystalline, structure , formed in nature.
What are the four characteristics do ALL minerals share?
A rock is a naturally occurring solid mixture of one or more mineral or organic matter.
What is a rock?
Mountains,oxygen,the layer we live on
What are the characteristics of the crust?
Color,luster,cleavage/fracture,streak,hardness,special properties,density test
What are the 7 different tests that can be formed in identifying minerals?
The continual process by which new rock forms from old rock material.
What is a rock cycle?
Has the lithosphere, a
What are the characteristics of the crust?
Name the 2 minerals that can scratch calcite?
First you are a sediment then goes through compaction and cementation. Then you are a sedimentary rock.
Explain how to create an sedimentary rock?
First your a sedimentary rock and you go though heat and pressure forming a metamorphic rock?
Explain how to create an metamorphic rock?
They are different kinds of sediments cements together.
What are the key features of sedimentary rock?