Look Externally | Execute with Excellence | Act with Professionalism | Deliver Results | Quality Management Team |
April 10, 2014
The day Ally entered the New York Stock Exchange
Core Value
Good is Never Good Enough
Ally's new tagline
Our promise is in our name
2014 Strategic Imperatives
People, Portfolio Performance, Stregnthening Core Customer Relationships, Operate with Excellence, Compliance
Live It, Own It, Improve It
QM Mantra
Drives the Lean Six Sigma cultural transformation and talent development essential to building a world class organization.
“Knowing that things could be worse should not stop
us from trying to make them better." – Sheryl Sandberg
QM Voice Quote of the Month
Provide a strong first line of defense by ensuring the control environment is consistent, sustained, and continually improved upon.
QM's Senoir Leader
Carol McDavid