Opening | Discovery | Response and Handling | Customer Engagement | Strategic Priority |
3 points
What is the point value for Opening?
10 points
What is the point value for Discovery?
25 points
What is the point value for Response and Handling?
27 points
What is the point value for Customer Engagement?
35 points
What is the point value for Strategic Priority?
One (1)
How many opportunities does the opening have?
Demonstrate Understanding & Offer Solutions/Provide Pertinent Information
What are the titles for the two opportunities within Discovery?
One (1)
How many opportunities are within Response and Handling?
Four (4)
How many opportunities are within Customer Engagement
How many opportunities are within Strategic Priority?
Representative is ready to answer the call.
Uses a clear and understandable greeting. Acknowledges the customer and creates and opening.
What is the definition of the opening?
Hint: There are three parts to the definition. |
There being an opportunity to use the information in AS400 to state the problem the customer is having without having the customer state the problem again in its entirety.
What is the most common reason deductions are taken under Demonstrates Understanding?
By immediately engaging the customer upon receiving the call.
How can the representative show that he/she is ready to answer the call?
enthusiastically - first name - Coca-Cola
Fill in the blanks: The agent should use a clear and understandable greeting by _______ greeting the customer, provides ____ ____, and brands the call with '_________'.