Star Wars | Marvel | History | Science | Trick-or-Trick |
What is the Force.
In Star Wars, this is what they call the invisible power that binds the galaxy together.
What is 6?
This many Infinity Stones exist.
What is 2007?
In this year the iPhone invented
What is Gravity?
This phenomena keeps the planets in orbit around the sun.
What is Lunch and Dinner?
These are two things you can never eat before breakfast.
Who is Anakin Skywalker?
He built 3-CPO.
Who is Captain America?
He was able to pick up Thor's hammer.
What is Skateboarding?
This 4-wheel sport made its debut at the 2020 Olympic games
What is O negative?
This kind of blood type is known as the universal donor.
What is Tomorrow?
This is always coming but never arrives.
Who is Boba Fett?
He is the bounty hunter who catches Han Solo.
What is Vibranium?
Captain America’s shield and Bucky’s arm are made of this metal.
What is Ancient Greece?
This civilization held the first Olympic games.
What is Electricity?
Sharks can sense this and humans cannot.
What is a towel?
This gets wetter the more it dries.
Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi?
He is the famous mentor of Luke Skywalker
What is Iron Man?
This movie kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
What is the Cold War?
During this war the Berlin Wall taken down.
What are Newton’s Laws?
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” is an example of one of these.
What is Phone?
This never asks a question but gets answered all the time.
What is 4?
The X-Wing Fighter has this many engines.
What is neurosurgeon?
Doctor Strange is this type of Doctor.
Who is Benedict Arnold?
This Connecticut native was a general in both the American and the British armies during the American Revolution.
What is Nuclear energy.
The Sun creates this type of energy.
What is the letter "W".
This is what you actually find at the end of every rainbow