Yo | Tú | Él, Ella, Usted | Nosotros - Ustedes, Ellos | Simple form |
Yo vivo
I live
Tú comes
You eat
Ella tiene
She has
Nosotros vamos
We go
To need
Yo hablo
I talk
I speak |
Tú escuchas
You listen to
You hear |
Él ve
He watches
He sees |
Ellos toman
They drink
They take |
To have
Yo toco
I play (music)
I touch I knock |
Tú eres
You are (name, occupation, relationship)
Ella conoce
She knows (people or places)
Nosotros sabemos
We know (information)
To drink
I play (games or sports)
Yo juego
You are (indicating location)
Tú estás
She is (location)
Ella está
They are (location)
Ellos están
To know (information)
I know (information)
Yo sé
You need
Tú necesitas
He knows (information)
Él sabe
Ustedes son
You all are (name, occupation, relationship)
To be (occupation)