Male Bible Characters | Female Bible Characters |
Who is Jesus
This person came to earth to save humanity from sin
Who is Mary
This person was used by God to give birth to the Saviour
Who is Moses
This person was used by God to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land
Who is Esther
This person was used by God to save the Jews from genocide
Who is Samson
This person was used by God to seek justice against the Phillistines
Who is Rehab
This person was used by God to help Caleb and Joshua when spying out the land
Who is Joseph
This person was used by God to save Egypt from famine
Who is Tabitha (Dorcas)
This person was used by God to sew clothes and give it to those in need
Who is John the Baptist
This person was used by God to prepare the way for the Messiah
Who is Abigail
This person was used by God to save her household from King David's wrath after her husband's disrespect to him