The Story | The Characters | The Celebration |
Where does the Purim story take place?
Who was the villain who wanted to destroy the Jews?
What special food do we eat/make for Purim?
He refused to bow down to Haman
What did Mordechai do that made Haman angry?
King Ahashverosh
Who was the king of Persia at the time of the Purim story?
Haman's hat
What does the shape of the special food we eat/make for Purim symbolize?
In what month of the Jewish calendar do we celebrate Purim?
Who was the first wife of the king?
masks and costumes
What do we wear on Purim?
a lottery
What method did Haman use to determine a date on which to destroy the Jewish people?
Who was Esther's uncle?
What is the object used to make noise when you hear Haman's name?
Queen Vashti refused to appear at the king's banquet
Why did the king need to look for a new wife?
Who was the king's new wife who kept her Judaism a secret?
Megillah or Book of Esther
What is the special scroll we read from on Purim?