Lost in Translation | Be Heard | Express Yourself | Information Highway | Exposure |
What is a participant?
A sender or receiver of communication
What is speech rate?
The speed at which you speak may affect how well others understand you
What is a facial expression?
Eye and mouth movements that convey character and emotions
What is currency?
A resource that is less than five years old
What is an expository speech?
This speech provides carefully researched information about a topic
What is a message?
The verbal or nonverbal communication between the senders and receivers
What is intelligible?
The ability to speak clearly so as to be understood
What is posture?
The position in which you hold your entire body
What is primary research?
Conducting an experiment to gather new, never before studied data
What is historical?
Events like 9/11 and the attack on Pearl Harbor are example topics that would fall under this category in expository speeches
What is interference?
Noise or disruptions that make it harder to comprehend what is said
What is pronunciation?
Two people may say the same word different ways because of how they accent their syllables
What is a gesture?
The use of hand movements to convey an idea
What is Wikipedia?
By using the reference section of this specific website, I have a starting point for finding reliable resources
What is a speech goal?
This statement decribes what you want to accomplish with your speech
What is the context of communication?
This element of communication describes the various forms of communication such as public, group, or mass
What is a stress?
The speaker may emphasize words or phrases in a speech to enhance the message
What is movement?
Strategically modifying your location in front of the audience
What is relevance?
Information that is directly related to the topic you are researching
What is descriptive writing?
A type of exposition writing that identifies and defines a person, place or thing with factual information
What is interpersonal communication?
The act of conversing with yourself whether aloud or in your mind
What is quality?
The ability to identify another person simply by the tone, timber, and sound of their voice
What is poise?
Graceful mannerisms to show you are calm and confident
What is authority?
Check the URL domain to hep identify whether the information is from an expert source
What is comparative writing?
A way to format a speech by describing what something is by what it is like or is not like