Maternal Health | Mental Health | LGBT Health | Immigrant/Refugee Health | Elderly Health |
Maternal Mortality / Maternal Death
The death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of a pregnancy due to any factor related to or caused by the pregnancy, often times in childbirth.
Mental Illness
A health condition that affects a person’s thinking, feelings, and behavior; It can cause emotional distress and make it hard for a person to feel happy
True or False: One of the Healthy People 2020 Goals is to improve the health, safety, and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals.
True or False: Both immigrants and refugees are required to have a medical examination for migration into the United States.
At what age are elderly people eligible for Medicare?
Distance Lack of information/education Cultural practices/stigma Inadequate services
Name two possible barriers to accessing maternal health services.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the largest grassroots organization whose main mission is to create awareness and promote action on pressing mental health issues. This is called ______.
(answers may vary)
Discrimination in access to health insurance, employment, housing, marriage, adoption, retirement, etc. benefits Stigmas surrounding LGBT health Not enough programs targeted to LGBT youth, adults, elders Lack of laws preventing bullyin
List two social determinants affecting LGBT health.
Socioeconomic background
Immigrant status Limited English proficiency Welfare reform Residential location Stigma and marginalization
Name two enabling factors for immigrant/refugee populations.
End-of-life care and the decision to treat against the wishes of an elderly dying person is an issue of ________.
Severe Bleeding - post childbirth
Infections Unsafe abortion High blood pressure (eclampsia) Hemorrhage Obstructed Labor Other diseases during pregnancy (Malaria, AIDS)
Name three complications that can occur during or following pregnancy that would result in maternal death.
Individual attributes/behaviors
Social and economic circumstances Environmental factors
Name two determinants of mental health and well-being.
Mental Health Issues Suicide Victimization
Transgender individuals have a high prevalence of _________, _________, ________, and are less likely to have health insurance than heterosexual or LGB individuals.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Name the PubH Organization: "___________ has regulatory authority to promulgate regulations that establish requirements for the medical examination of aliens (immigrants, refugees, asylees, and parolees) before they may be admitted into the United States.
Heart Disease
What is the leading cause of death among older adults?
World Health Organization (WHO)
"Improving maternal health is one of ________'s key priorities. _______ is working to reduce maternal mortality by providing evidence-based clinical and programmatic guidance, setting global standards, and providing technical support to Member States.
(answers may vary)
Stigma Discrimination in insurance coverage for mental disorders Wrong priorities Lack of comprehensive mental health policies and legislation Lack of drugs Lack of skills at the primary health care level
Name three barriers to accessing mental health care.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Name the Public Health organization: The __________ is more actively promoting sexual orientation and gender identity (SO/GI) questions for state behavioral risk factor surveys, in order to increase LGBT data collection and improve LGBT health research.
Needs assessment
The following questions may be used to conduct a _________.
-What refugee or immigrant communities are represented in our geographic area? - What do we know about these particular ethnic groups and the circumstances that brought them? |
(answers may vary)
Hearing and vision deficits Cognitive deficits Urinary incontinence Decreased functional status Limited social network
Identify two factors contributing to the vulnerability of the elderly population.
Increasing knowledge of HIV, STDs, pregnancy prevention, etc.
Access to contraceptives Condom availability Individual ability to avoid risk behaviors Communication with other peers/adults about risks, contraception, prevention, etc. Intent to abstain fr
Give four CDC evidence-based methods of preventing teen pregnancy.
Behavioral interventions
More people with relatively minor mental illness are being treated, while people who need intensive care are not- this is related to the popularity of medications, rather than _______.
(answers may vary)
Eliminates the ability of insurance companies to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, such as HIV. ACA outlaws discrimination against LGBT through "qualified health plans" offered on the state and federal insurance exchanges.
How does the Affordable Care Act benefit LGBT health?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Name the PubH organization:
____________ is responsible for providing the technical instructions to Civil Surgeons and Panel Physicians who conduct medical examinations for immigration. |
Social segregation
Decreased functionality
Identify two outcomes resulting from elderly vulnerability.