DSM-5 | Assessment | Law and Ethics | Diagnosis | The Brain |
What is intellectual disability or intellectual developmental disorder?
The term mental retardation was replaced with what in the DSM-5?
What is tree?
This is a component that is usually assessed along with these two in an art assessment: house, person, and what?
What is consult?
A marriage and family therapist is encouraged to do this when they are uncertain about the ethics of a particular course of action.
What is trichotillomania?
This disorder is known as recurrent pulling of one's hair, resulting in hair loss.
What is hearing and/or memory?
The temporal lobe's function is what?
What is persistent depressive disorder?
Dysthmia 300.4 is now called what in the DSM-5?
What is the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function?
The BRIEF inventory stands for this.
What are multiple or dual relationships?
Therapists make every effort to avoid conditions and what with clients that could impair professional judgment or increase the risk of exploitation.
What is one's mental processes or body?
Depersonalization is persistent or recurrent experiences of feeling detached from, and as if one were an outside observer of what two things?
What is to send and detect incoming electrical impulses?
What are dendrites' job?
What are unexpected and expected panic attacks?
The different types of panic attacks in the DSM IV, (i.e., situationally bound/cued, situationally predisposed, and unexpected/uncued), are replaced with what terms in the DSM-5?
What is the Beck Depression Inventory?
Some of the groups of statements of this assessment questionnaire include: pessimism, loss of pleasure, loss of interest, and worthlessness.
What is confidentiality?
Clients have a right to this when they speak with a therapist.
What is factitious disorder?
This disorder is where the individual presents him or herself to others as ill, impaired, or injured.
What is the cerebellum?
What is the largest portion of the brain?
What is selective mutism?
What is It is now classified as an anxiety disorder in the DSM-5, given that a large majority of children with this are anxious?
What is the Children's Depression Inventory?
This can be used in both educational and clinical settings to evaluate depressive symptoms in children and adolescents.
What is competence?
Marriage and family therapists pursue knowledge of new developments and maintain their what in therapy through education, training, and/or supervised experience.
What is binge-eating disorder?
This eating disorder is a new addition to DSM-5, and is not associated with recurrent use of inappropriate compensatory behavior as in bulimia nervosa.
What is the hypothalamus?
What region of the brain controls mood, thirst, hunger, and temperature?
What are avoidance and persistent negative alterations in cognitions and mood?
There are now four symptom clusters in DSM-5 in relation to posttraumatic stress disorder. They are: reexperiencing, arousal, and these two new items.
What is State-Trait Anxiety Inventory?
What does the STAI stand for?
What is a release of authorization?
Marriage and family therapists do not disclose client confidences except with what or where mandated or permitted by law.
What are withdrawal and intolerance?
Alcohol use disorder cannot be diagnosed without these two components which affect the body?
What is the medulla or medulla oblongata?
Name the essential portion of the brain stem which maintains vital body functions such as the heart rate and breathing.