Important people | RaNdOm!!!!!! | Definitions | Steps/stages/etc. questions | Harder definitions |
B.F skinner
Who followed the behaviorist approach, which stated that, "personality is a collection of learned behaviors and offers a testable hypothesis"?
1. many aspects are not testable with science
2.making the assumption that people are basically good.
What are the two criticisms of the humanistic approach?
People behave as if they were at an earlier stage of development
What is regression?
1. openness to experience
2. conscientiousness 3. extroversion 4. agreeableness 5. neuroticism AKA the BIG FIVE!
What are the 5 central traits? AKA the ___ ___?
unconscious impulses expressed as their opposite in consciousness.
What is reaction formation?
Carl rogers
Who is the humanist that has the three stages, need for positive regard, unconditional positive regard or conditional positive regard, which leads to self-actualization or anxiety and frustration?
1. highlights the uniqueness of human beings
2. guides a form of therapy designed to alleviate psychological difficulties
What are two benefits of the humanistic approach?
Ones need to be with other people
What is extroversion?
1. Secure
2. Avoidant 3. Ambivalent 4. Disorganized disoriented
What are the 4 attachment styles according to Mary Ainsworth?
People divert unwanted impulses into socially approved thoughts, feelings, or behaviors
What is sublimation?
Sigmund freud
What person founded psychoanalysis, which treats psychological disturbances?
suggested that, it has more control than the id over day-to-day activities.
What did psychoanalysis suggest on the functions of ego?
peoples organization and thoughtfulness of others
What is conscientiousness?
-oversensitivity to external eating cues
-Insensitivity to internal hunger cues -high weight set points -fat cells in body -setting points
What are the roots of obesity?
People attribute unwanted impulses and feelings to someone else.
What is projection?
Mary Ainsworth
Who developed an experiment called "Stranger situation" to measure attachment of infants to caregivers?
Controls the development of systems of the human species-hearth, circulatory system, brain, lungs, and determines the sex of the child.
What do composed genes (sequences of DNA) control?
Willingness to try and do new things.
What is openness?
When do the first 4 stages occur during a child's development?
The expression of an unwanted feeling or thought that is redirected form a more threatening powerful person to a weaker one.
What is displacement?
Richard Ryan and Edward Deci
Who considered human needs in terms of psychological well-being?
Within the first 6 months of life
When does the attachment develop?
Model of personality that seeks to identify the basic traits necessary to describe personality.
What is trait therapy?
-regular schedules
-adaptable to change, usually happy -easily soothed
What is the easy style of personality in children?
People behave as if they were at an earlier stage of development.
What is regression?