Neuroanatomy The Neuron Mixed Bag Sleep & Consciousness Study Design
What is the frontal lobe
This lobe was severely damaged when a rod went through Phineas Gage's head
What is the dendrite
The main receiving site of the neuron, this area often takes a tree-like shape.
What is the Asch Conformity Experiment
This study tested group dynamics by having a group of actors purposefully give an obviously wrong answer.
What is rapid eye movement
The stage of sleep associated with dreaming, REM stands for what?
What is random sampling
This technique is used to make sure that the pool of people in an experiment are representative of the general population
What is the cerebellum
Responsible for motor memory, this brain structure has as many cells as the rest of the brain.
What is Myelin
Functioning as insulation around the axon, this material helps the action potential travel significantly faster.
What is the Milgram experiment
In this study, participants were lead to believe that they were doing a simple study about learning, when in reality they were in a social psych experiment.
What is selective attention
This is the focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus.
Who is Wilhelm Wundt
Known as one of the fathers of modern Psychology, this man first started using the scientific method in the field.
What is the temporal lobe
This lobe is the location of Wernicke's area.
What is the synapse
The space between two neurons through which the neurotransmitter travels is known as what?
What is Humanism
This psychological perspective believes that in order people to properly develop and behave their basic biological needs must first be met.
What is stage one.
This stage of sleep is associated with feelings of falling and unintentional limb jerks.
What is confirmation bias
This is the tendency to search for, interpret, or recall information in a way that confirms one's hypotheses.
What is the hippocampus
Often considered to be shaped like a seahorse, this area is critical for memory consolidation.
What is the soma
A greek term, this is another name for the cell body of a neuron.
What is Gestalt Psychology
This discipline believed that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
What is sleep apnea
This sleep disorder is caused by blocked breathing pathways and can cause irritability and fatigue.
What is a double blind study
This study design is used to make sure experimenters don't accidentally tip off participants with gestures or facial expressions.
What is the Amygdala
Removal of this part of the brain can turn a fierce predator into a docile, domesticated pet.
What is neurotransmitter
These chemicals are synthesized in the soma and eventually released at the axon terminals
Who is Ivan Pavlov
Known for his experiments in conditioning, this man is known as the father of behaviorism.
What is hypnosis.
This is a sleep-like state that is used to increase a person's suggestibility.
What is a P-value.
This statistical value is used to express the likelihood that your data came from the same population as the expected mean.


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