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What is LSD-like distortions.
At low doses, these drugs can cause _____ distortions to the senses, although actual hallucinations are rare. These drugs are generally less potent than LSD, and many users claim that they inspire trust and love.
What is stimulant and depressant.
Psychedelic & hallucinogenic drugs of have some _______ or _______ effect.
What is ketamine.
PCP and a related drug called _____ were developed as anesthetics or drugs that help stop pain during medical operations.
What is hallucinations.
Psychedelic drugs distort the senses in a number of ways and can produce powerful _____.
What is weeks and months.
Because of this, marijuana can accumulate in the body for _____ or _____.
What is LSD psychedelics, amphetamine-related psychedelics, PCP psychedelics and marijuana and related drugs.
There are 4 primary groups of psychedelic & hallucinogenic drugs. Name 2 of the 4.
What is PCP.
However, _____ temporarily separates the body from the mind. In addition, it has both a stimulant and depressant qualities.
What is thinking and senses.
These drugs usually affect the user's _______ and ______.
What is stimulant.
Marijuana also has some _____ effects, such as increasing heart rate.
What is attitudes and emotional states.
People's _____ and ______ may make the difference between a "good trip" and a "bad trip."
What is PCP or angel dust.
One of the most dangerous and powerful drugs on the street is phencyclidine, known as _______.
What is fat cells.
Like marijuana, PCP is stored in ________ (Hint: 2 words), which allows PCP to accumulate in the body for an extended period of time.
What is cross-tolerant.
Marijuana has strong depressant effects, and it and alcohol are partially ________ (Hint: 2 words).
What is surroundings, previous experiences and expectations.
DAILY DOUBLE: The psychedelic drug experience is intensely influenced by other factors. These include the user's... (hint: there are 3)
What is month.
When people smoke marijuana on a daily or frequent basis, the drug never leaves the body, at least not until they have stopped for a _____ or possibly more.
What is increase blood pressure and heart rate, and they promote anxiety, agitation, hallucinations, and possibly violence.
At high doses, or with chronic use, these drugs have the same effects as other amphetamines. They.... pick 3 answers (Hint: there are 6 answers)
What is fear, panic and anxiety.
DAILY DOUBLE: Because of these often strange distortions in what people think or sense, some people can have bad reactions to LSD, including... (Hint: there are 3 answers)
What is distorted senses.
_______ (Hint: it is 2 words), especially vision, are common results of LSD use.
What is increase heart rate and blood pressure, reduce appetite, and may cause nausea, vomiting and stomachaches.
LSD and related drugs also affect mood and emotions. These psychedelics will....pick 3 things it will do (hint: there are 6 answers)
What is LSD.
____ and similar drugs (LSA and DMT) distort and confuse users' senses.
What is severe and mild.
A particular problem with PCP is that a very low dose may produce a _____ reaction while a large dose may produce a ______ one.
What is mescaline.
____ is a naturally occurring chemical found in the peyote cactus.
What is dissociative anesthetics.
DAILY DOUBLE: They are called _______ (Hint: it is 2 words) because they stop pain by disconnecting the mind from the body.
What is LSD.
At high doses, marijuana can produce severe _____ like changes in a person's senses and thoughts.
What is paranoid thoughts and frightening hallucinations.
DAILY DOUBLE: At such doses [marijuana users], some users have severe anxiety, very rapid heart rate, panic attacks.... (Finish the sentence)