The Psychological Mind | The Biological Mind | The Perceiving Mind | Misc 1 |
The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
What is psychology?
It accelerates an action potential’s movement.
What is Myelin
Messages from the senses that make up the raw information that affects many kinds of behavior and mental processes.
What are sensations?
In-depth examinations of one person or a small number of unusual people.
What are case studies?
The study of mental processes such as "attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity, and thinking."
What is cognitive psychology?
The division of the autonomic nervous system associated with rest, repair, and energy storage.
What is parasympathetic nervous system
The difference in the peak and the baseline of a waveform.
What is amplitude?
The endocrine system is comprised of a number of glands that release chemical messengers.
What are hormones?
This is the variable being observed in the experiment.
What is the dependent variable?
The main divisions of the human nervous system.
What are the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
The smallest amount of stimulus that can be detected.
What is absolute threshold?
Highly light-sensitive but color-insensitive photoreceptors in the retina that allow vision even in dim light
What are rods?
A measure of the direction and strength of the relationship between two variables.
What is a correlation?
What is the parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe and frontal lobe
The brain is "divided" into what 4 sections.
An opening in the eye, just behind the cornea, through which light passes
What is the pupil?
The brain uses incoming signals to construct perceptions.
What is the bottom-up processing?
The brain and its activities
What is the mind?
A neurotransmitter in brain circuits supporting anticipation of rewards, such as food, sex, and many addictive drugs.
What is dopamine
A theory of color vision stating that color-sensitive visual elements are grouped into red-green, blue-yellow, and black-white elements.
What is the opponent-process theory?
1) Intensity of stimulus
2) Observer's physical and psychological state
What are the two steps in signal detection?